Everyone knows, a fever is when our body temperature is no longer normal, but begins to skyrocket. But do you realize this fact: the higher the fever, the more we feel cold.
According to Health, when temperatures fall in the winter, weather-related health problems start to rise.
Leaving the room temperature too cold too much difference with the outside temperature can cause the body temperature to drop suddenly, even at risk of stroke and death.
You think that being naked when you sleep is comfortable but no, you're
When a person becomes ill, his or her time perception is misleading. A study by biologist Seth Blackshaw of Johns Hopkins University helped find the cause of this phenomenon.
Perhaps you have heard, you can pour water flowing through your wrist or neck so the body quickly becomes cool but not only the wrists and neck, there is a list of the fastest
That may be a sign that your body needs water immediately.
A Harvard Medical School doctor has synthesized health problems that you may encounter when temperatures are low.
We often yawn when we feel sleepy, bored, or even suffering
Even though you've tried hard, sometimes you still can't sleep when you really want to sleep. There are many ways to help you sleep fast, but the following is probably the