4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home

Few people suspect that the simple tips below are pure serpents, making them run away from us.

We know that summer is an insect's fertility season and avoiding the heat of snakes and centipedes. So it is not unusual for many people to share that they are very bewildered when they discover a snake who is traveling in his house, or lying in the corner, in the washing machine .

Picture 1 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
Everyone must be startled, startled when they see this scene.

Most recently, people in Tien Giang were extremely frightened when they witnessed the scene of a snake about 1 meter long struggling in the bathroom of a resident's home.

This makes many people worry and panic. So take these home remedies right away to protect your health and life.

1. Crunchy powder

Arsenic sulfide (scientific name: arsenic sulfide) is considered to be a pure engraving of snakes. They will leave immediately when they smell this smell.

In fact, this is a natural ore, widely distributed on the surface of the earth. In nature, arsenic combines with oxygen, chlorine, and sulfur into a form of inorganic, quite toxic arsenic compounds .

Picture 2 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
Powder majestic.

Arsenic sulfide is almost insoluble in water, if humans ingest or inhale, it will affect the stomach and digestive enzymes.

In particular, people who inhale in large quantities are poisoned. Therefore, when sprinkling this powder around the corner of the house, you need to wear gloves, masks, avoid letting the powder fall into food or water. After working, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly. Because of the danger, you should only use this method when urgent.

2. Plant snake chasing trees

Few people know that some plants mean not only to beautify and decorate your home, but also to drive away dangerous animals.

Can include a few plants such as: compressed plants, citronella, garlic orchids . those are the plants that will make snakes "dodge" your home from afar. In particular, red-tailed green snakes are extremely sensitive to odor, so the effect of planting trees will be more effective.

Picture 3 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
Compressed plants have spicy essential oils so snakes are very afraid.

Specifically, the compressed tree belongs to the onion family, often called onion, white onion . This is a special spice due to the possession of essential oils in the tubers, the leaves have a more spicy and spicy odor than onions / garlic, so when sniffs are detected remotely - snakes will seek to avoid and dare not come near.

Picture 4 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
Garlic orchids .

Garlic orchids are a type of plant with climbing stem, purple flowers, sweet taste, cooling effect, anti-chrome . and a good sedative. However, because this leaf has a very strong, unpleasant garlic odor, and even more intense than garlic, the new snakes stay away from these growing areas.

Picture 5 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
. or kudzu has an unpleasant smell - carved with snakes.

The third species is quite familiar to us as kudzu . Because plastic parts from kudzu trees have an unpleasant smell, they are afraid and stay away.

3. Clean the house

Super-favorite snake with dark, likes cool place. So, in order for snakes not to live in your house all of a sudden, you should clean up dark places like under the bed, under the closet . clean. At the same time, regular attention should be paid to the areas around the water tank, bathtub, washing machine because these are also cool, solid areas like to shelter.

Picture 6 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
You should clean up dark places like under the bed, under the cabinet . clean.

This will make the snake have no hiding place and also you can quickly detect the "illegal" intrusion of this dangerous animal.

Along with that, the furniture in the house also needs to be neatly arranged, avoiding creating dark, dark places - a great shelter of this reptile.

4. Feed dogs or cats

Raising a dog or a cat not only for housekeeping, for fun . but they also help you chase snakes.

Picture 7 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
If the snake appears, the pets will help you discover it soon.

When the snake appears, these animals will alert you to detect the appearance of an uninvited guest.

Snakes can fear and flee, but sometimes it can attack the pet again. However, when you notice an abnormality, you should also check again to avoid an unexpected danger.

So when detecting snakes in the house, how should it be handled?

Picture 8 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
Snakes are reptiles that like to hide in damp, cool and closed places.

Snakes are reptiles that like to hide in damp, cool and closed places. So, if a snake is found in the house, it is simply looking for a hiding place so don't panic.

  1. The first thing to do is tobe calm and find ways to "treat" gentlyto get it out of the house.

Picture 9 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
If snakes are found on the floor, a thick blanket or blanket can be taken onto it.

  1. Find a long stick, or a broomstick slowly chase it away.
  2. If snakes are found on the floor, a thick blanket or blanket can be taken onto it.The snake will feel safe in the dark and see nothing around, it will be less aggressive.Then, find the heavy object around the edge of the blanket so that the snake does not escape.

Picture 10 of 4 folk tips that make snakes will not dare to get close to your home
If the snake is in some hidden corner like a drawer, corner of the cabinet, leave it alone.

  1. If the snake is in some hidden corner like a drawer, corner of the cabinet, leave it alone.Move everyone out and get help from a snake catcher or call the wildlife rescue team.
  2. The very common situation in the mountains is to meet a poisonous snake in the garden.In this case, don't try to kill it.When feeling dangerous, snakes will attack humans.

Use long sticks or high pressure water jets to chase it out of the family area. If not, get help.