7 anti-theft tips 'visit' home

In life people often accidentally create favorable conditions for thieves to break into the house and turn them into their victims they do not know. Here are some ways to make your home safer.

Picture 1 of 7 anti-theft tips 'visit' home
Many homeowners loophole, accidentally creating conditions for stealing "visits" .(Artwork: propertyrepair.net)

1. Investing in installing a security system

Invest in a security system "very good value for money, rice bowl" , especially for systems equipped with cameras. Some security systems for homes can even broadcast live video of an intrusion when it is happening, making it easier for employers to call the police.

2. Turn on anti-theft devices

Only the anti-theft bell is not enough to ensure your home is not being watched by thieves. Perhaps, up to half of the time, the alarm is usually not turned on.

According to this "indigo" guy, even if you just go out for a quick jog or out of the house to buy milk, those actions also create a lot of time for a thief if you don't activate the system. alarm.

Picture 2 of 7 anti-theft tips 'visit' home
Day / night shop lock, not open to strangers.

3. Place the sea "Vigilant dog"

Ethical criticism when he saw a "Watchful Dog Watch " sign often wary and did not even dare to approach that house. Only a small, crude and cheap sign is effective enough to stop some peoples from looking at your home.

4. Don't blab on social media about your absence

The thieves are also high-tech and can regularly update news on social networks like anyone. This is one of the latest and most attractive trends. If you declare on Facebook that your family is going away from your home, the director will quickly schedule, set a timeline when you want to go and take something away when the owner of the house is away.

5. Disguise and hide valuables in unexpected places

Most people leave precious objects exactly in the same place, next to each other . If it is jewelry, most people prefer to put them in boxes or bags in the top drawer of the wardrobe. The best way is to put jewelry in an old, simple shoe box and hide it somewhere else that the thief didn't expect.

Picture 3 of 7 anti-theft tips 'visit' home Do not leave large valuables such as TVs and computers near glass windows, especially first floor windows

6. Make your home seem inhabited

Statistics have shown that most break-ins occur between 6 am and 6 pm. Are you away from home at this time? So try thinking about turning on the bright TV to feel like there's someone in the house. You go away all week? Leave a few lights on indoors as well if you don't have an automated system. Never let your home look like it is not used every day.

7. Make friends with neighbors

You have locks at the main doors and windows, so use them regularly, making sure you lock your day / night shop. Do not open the door to strangers. Do not leave the spare key outside but you should give it to your friend or neighbor instead. Make friends with neighbors and watch out for each other.