Create an attractive homepage for your website

Home Page is the first page that customers will have access to when accessing your website. A beautiful, attractive, unique home page will attract customers to visit not only once but will often visit again to find the information or products you offer and the potential to become customers of friend.

On the contrary, even if the content and products you provide are useful, the home page you design does not highlight that, is not able to attract the attention of customers, then your website will gradually lose its true value. So how a home page will be considered attractive and capable of "eye catching" customers.

1. Attract visitors' attention

Many websites have wasted valuable space on their homepage with slogans like: "Welcome message from our CEO!" or endless quoting introductions. All home pages designed with such content often do not attract the attention of the visitors and are also the cause of increased access time.

In a sense, the introduction of the company is very helpful. However, you must be selective, provide the most useful information to highlight the homepage and the advantages of the products and services you offer.

2. Provide short and simple information

The purpose of customers' Internet access is to quickly get the information they care about. Do not expect customers to use the slider to drag down 3, 4 times the length of the screen to search for products. It's best to facilitate visitors by designing a simple and concise homepage on a computer screen.

List and recommend the names of the items by marking each item clearly: Customers often just go through the items they care about, never search in long introductory paragraphs and hard to find. Besides being able to use techniques and techniques to highlight important items. Clearly identify items: Use colors, header tags or toolbars to identify items. Building data in columns: Data built in columns can be easier to read than written in horizontal form that extends one page of screen.

Build short paragraphs: Build short texts and highlight important key contents of each segment. With the above design techniques with a combination of connecting links, visitors will get the full information that your website provides in a convenient and fastest way. The homepage of a website is like an appetizer of a party. Give your customers an appetite and the appeal of other dishes you will offer.

Picture 1 of Create an attractive homepage for your website 3. Directions for access

A navigation or navigation system is very important if you want to attract and increase the number of visitors. And here are some ways you can consult:

- Access navigation tools : Give your customers navigation options without having to use the help of technology or special browsers. Keyboard shortcuts will also be useful for visitors to use the navigation tool from the keyboard instead of lifting the mouse.

- Search engine : Visitors love to search the website through search engines to get exactly the information or products they need. Quite simply, you do not need to use any tricks to perform. Instead contact some server providers, such as: Google, FreeFind. Or you can refer to

- Site map : For large and complex websites, building a sitemap is very useful not only for visitors but also for you when you want to manage, monitor and update data. Sitemaps will help you build links between all content of the website.

4. Build trust with customers

Visitors do not work directly with you. And it may also never meet you even talk on the phone - because all can be done automatically and directly online. Therefore, building a trust base for customers is very important. Leave a small location on the homepage for the supply: Company name, address, and phone number.

There have been many customers hesitant when making decisions to deal with websites that do not provide specific addresses and phone numbers. In addition, registering a website on your search engines will also be canceled if you do not provide the necessary contact information.

- Email address : Providing an email address is also indispensable to help customers trade with you, but you should also be careful about the letters sent as Spams.

- Proportion of visitors : Giving the visitor rate or number of visitors will help customers visualize and evaluate the quality of the website as well as the quality of services and products you provide.

5. Check and fix problems

Finally, you need to make sure your homepage is displayed when visitors load it. Impressive flash animations are essential but you need to make sure the access time is not too long. A standard home page that attracts a large number of visitors is a site that ensures fast access time, a beautiful and attractive interface and contains useful information. It is not too difficult - if you do the following tasks well:

- Matching colors : The right color scheme will bring compatibility and emphasize important content and information. In particular, avoiding the combination of red and blue, may cause a hard-to-see phenomenon for visitors.

- Building images or graphics : Make sure that the images of the homepage give the main idea of ​​the website. The purpose of most visitors is to search for information, but not really to see images. Therefore, limit the inclusion of images that increase unnecessary access time.

- Check and fix errors : Errors appearing in the design and uploading to the network are inevitable. So you need to pay more attention to finding and fixing errors before introducing them to the public.