4 plans to rescue the Earth but become more destructive

Listening through is very "miraculous", but if these ideas are implemented, the future of the Earth from gloomy will turn dark like night 30 always.

Current statistics show that the Earth is experiencing the fastest temperature rise in history, the main cause being people. Rising temperatures lead to many negative effects such as rising sea levels, more frequent extreme weather, outbreaks of pathogenic parasites .

To limit the effects of global warming, a series of solutions have been put in place, most of which focus on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. However, this solution has a disadvantage that requires the cooperation of the whole world, the fact is that this problem . is somewhat difficult to solve.

Therefore, others suggest the idea of ​​using technology that directly impacts the climate. This is what theory can do, and the advantage is that the Earth's temperature drops quickly.

However, it is fortunate that until now they are not realized because the side effects are extremely scary.

1. Create more white clouds on the ocean

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The idea of ​​creating clouds on the ocean was proposed by Professor Stephen Salter at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland).

Compared to a deep blue sea surface, the covered white sea surface will reflect more sunlight into space.

That means more and more clouds on the oceans, which account for three-quarters of the Earth's surface, the less Earth's energy is absorbed from the Sun, and the temperature decreases.

The idea of ​​creating clouds on the ocean was proposed by Professor Stephen Salter at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland). He recommended designing giant machines that operate on wind power, which is responsible for spraying seawater continuously into the air to stimulate cloud formation.

According to Salter, about 1,000 sprinklers are needed to create enough clouds to balance the temperature from global warming.

The implementation of the idea is not too difficult, but it is impossible to measure all the variations that can occur due to the extremely complex interaction on Earth.

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It takes about 1,000 sprinklers to produce enough clouds to balance the temperature from global warming.

The earth may be cold, and the negative effect will not be inferior.Excess moisture in the air can change weather patterns, disrupt the food chain in the ocean, as well as disturb the behavior of many seabirds that depend on winds and currents.

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The more cloudy ocean can lead to disaster.

2. Spray sulfur into the stratosphere

Aerosols are defined as solid particles or tiny droplets of liquid floating in the air. SO2 sulfur-containing compounds, when present in the atmosphere, form sulphate aerosols that reflect the small part of sunlight.

This effect was demonstrated after volcanic eruptions. In particular, the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 released large amounts of SO 2 to the extent that the global average temperature fell to 0.6 degrees Celsius for the next two years.

Similar to cloud creation, pumping large amounts of SO 2 into the atmosphere also prevents global warming by reducing the amount of absorbed energy from the Sun.

These chemicals need to be pumped into the stratosphere to avoid acid rain, when sulphate dissolves with water vapor in the lower troposphere.

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This effect was demonstrated after volcanic eruptions.

Techniques to perform are fully available in the present, people can use aircraft, artillery, or even balloons to bring SO 2 into the stratosphere.

The downside of the idea is that sulphate in the stratosphere can degrade the ozone layer , causing more harmful UV rays to hit Earth.

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People will have to launch missiles to bring SO 2 to the stratosphere.

In addition, there is no guarantee that millions of tons of sulphate will always exist on the stratosphere, without having a flow down the troposphere to cause acid rain.

And even if it just floated in the stratosphere, the sulphate would not stand still but be blown everywhere. At some point, some areas may become too cold, while others still warm up.

3. Shading the Earth

The plan was literally devised by the British astronomer Roger Angel - making one trillion thin glass plates, then launching into space to position L1 - the gravitational balance between the Earth and the Face. God. The plates will spread into a giant umbrella that blocks about 2% of the sun's light reaching Earth.

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Roger Angel's method illustration.

Today's scientific level of people can turn ideas into reality. However, the price paid for this idea is . super expensive - up to $ 4,000 billion - which is nearly 100 times the amount of cash in the US budget.

At the same time, sunlight not only produces thermal energy but also many other effects, so how the ecosystem will change when the light across the planet is reduced is very difficult to predict.

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The price to pay for this idea is . super expensive - up to 4,000 billion USD.

Whether or not shielding accidentally triggered a new Great Extinction or Ice Age, no one knew in advance.

4. Apply iron to the ocean

We have learned that plants help absorb CO 2 , the greenhouse gases that are mainly emitted by humans. However, the largest source of CO2 absorption on Earth is not plants but microalgae in the ocean. Moreover, this microalgae grows much faster than multicellular plants.

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The microalgae in the ocean are the most efficient source of CO 2 .

Reducing CO 2 will reduce global temperatures, and some scientists have come up with the idea of ​​reducing the . sprint, by pouring hundreds of tons of iron ions into the ocean.

All to stimulate the proliferation of microalgae. The more algae, the more carbon dioxide is absorbed and converted into organic carbon. Then, when dead algae settle into the sea, carbon is locked in the form of oil.

The idea of ​​sounding too impressive - just helping to reduce the greenhouse is also to store oil for the future. However, the potential risk is not small.

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Phytoplankton such as algae, which are located at the top of the food chain, are consumed by larger organisms.

Phytoplankton such as algae, which are located at the top of the food chain, are consumed by larger organisms. How to create a huge amount of food that affects the marine life is not well understood. Will all other fish and marine animals thrive, or some thrive, and others be extinguished?

A bad effect of algae blooms too fast is the phenomenon of algal blooms - also known as red tide. When the phenomenon occurs, a huge amount of algae drains oxygen and releases toxins into the surrounding water, killing any animal that swims nearby.

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Red tide.

Although there was an iron "fertilization experiment " performed in waters near Canada in 2013, which caused a sudden increase in migrant salmon a year, most scientists still support the research so far. The idea is very careful.