A 230m-diameter asteroid approaches the Earth

The asteroid with 300 times the destructive power of Hiroshima's atomic bomb, Japan, grazed the Earth on June 24.

The celestial body called 441987 (2010 NY65) with a diameter of 230m was paid special attention by scientists of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) because it will fly over Earth today at about three million kilometers, according to Sun. . However, this asteroid will definitely not crash into Earth.

Picture 1 of A 230m-diameter asteroid approaches the Earth
A 230m long asteroid named 441987 (2010 NY65) approaches the Earth.(Artwork: Express).

2010 NY65 was discovered on July 10, 2010 by spacecraft Discovering the wide spectrum infrared survey (WISE). Experts warn that if such a large meteorite hits the Earth, humanity will be wiped out.

Dr. Alan Fitzsimmons, NEOshield-2 project member of the European Research Council, said there is nothing we can do today to prevent a large meteorite from plunging into Earth. The goal of NEOshield-2 is to study how to deflect dangerous asteroids.

According to the researchers, a giant meteorite that sped over 14 km into the Gulf of Mexico 66 million years ago has caused the clouds to evaporate into the atmosphere, creating a global dusty winter that makes 75% of plants and Extinct animals.

In January, an asteroid the size of a 10-storey building moving at 16km / s, grazed the Earth at a distance of only half the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Graphics depicting asteroids and comets around the Earth.(Video: NASA).