5 delicious bizarre creatures on Mars

Certain creatures that can exist on Mars must carry a special form and survival ability .

Creatures can live easily on the Red Planet

With the discovery of liquid water on Mars recently, NASA confidently believes that the ability of Mars to survive life is huge. However, with harsh natural conditions: low temperature, thin atmosphere, extremely low oxygen concentration - only 0.13%, which organisms can exist here?

1. Water bears

The water bear has a scientific name, Tardigrade, which is a type of microorganism that lives under water. Fossils of this species date back to 530 million years ago.

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Water bears.

What makes this creature special, is that they are almost . immortal. They can exist anywhere, in extremely harsh environments.

Adult water bears can survive in the temperature of -273 degrees Celsius - almost reaching the absolute negative temperature. In addition, they are immune to radiation levels 1,000 times higher than other organisms.

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Water bears are one of the most terrifying . life-threatening creatures.

Not only that, the beetle is also surprising to scientists who can survive for hundreds of years despite . no water. They are also the only organisms that can survive in the cosmic environment so far without the need for protective equipment.

Therefore, if we can find the "immortal" Tardigrade on Mars, it is not surprising.

2. Spinoloricus anaerobic animals

Water bears are a good candidate, but perhaps Spinoloricus is the most likely creature found on Mars.

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Spinoloricus - the first animal on Earth without oxygen to grow.

Spinoloricus is a boneless animal with a body length of only a few millimeters. They were found at a depth of 3,000 meters under the L'Atalante continental shelf in the Mediterranean Sea - which has a very high salt content and has absolutely no oxygen.

This means, Spinoloricus can withstand very high pressure, and can grow without the presence of oxygen.

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According to NASA, the water on Mars is salt water, which has a higher salinity than the oceans on our planet. Oxygen levels on Mars are also extremely low.

Therefore, not only can living well on the Red Planet, Sphinoloricus is also a species that is considered to be more likely to appear here.

3. Neck of methane - or methanogen

In 2014, NASA's Curiosity robot discovered on Mars there exist clouds of methane gas - the gas that is often the product of biochemical reactions on living organisms.

Immediately, scientists questioned the origin of this gas. One of the hypotheses is that the methanogen bacteria on Earth have "them" with methane.

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Curiosity autonomous robot.

Methanogen is one of the most simple and ancient dating bacteria species on Earth. They use hydrogen and carbon dioxide (gases that account for 95% of Mars's atmosphere) for metabolic processes and the main product is methane.

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Methanogen - one of the most likely microorganisms to exist on Mars.

According to a study by the University of Arkansas (USA), methane bacteria can survive in harsh conditions. They survived in low pressure environments, even without oxygen, and no photosynthesis.

Therefore, many scientists assess that Methanogen is the brightest candidate in the list of organisms that can live on Mars.

4. Cyanobacteria

Referring to organisms that can survive in the harshest conditions, it is impossible to ignore cyanobacteria - Cyanobacteria.

On Earth, cyanobacteria appeared more than 2.8 billion years ago and exist everywhere: in the ocean, in fresh water, in rocks, desert, even in permafrost in two places. our pole.

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Photos of cyanobacteria under a microscope.

But can cocci live on Mars? Many scientists say that the answer is yes. Because cyanobacteria can survive in harsh environments: from high temperatures (desert) to low (polar) or even in environments with extremely low oxygen levels (laboratories).

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However, many other experts point out, the presence of cyanobacteria on Mars is quite . absurd. They believe that cyanobacteria are able to photosynthesize and produce oxygen, and multiply rapidly.

Even many theories suggest that the current source of oxygen on Earth originates from this organism.

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Although cyanobacteria have intense vitality, their existence on Mars is thought to be absurd.

Therefore, if cyanobacteria exist on the surface of Mars, the planet will have oxygen levels above 0.13% we know today.

However, the scientific community has revealed that it is reasonable to find a way to transplant the blue bacteria to Mars in order to transform this planet into a habitat for humanity.

5. Lichen

The nature of lichen is not a specific organism but a result of symbiosis between fungi and a type of algae or cyanobacteria.

On Earth, lichen (Lichen) survives in the harshest environments and terrains like the Arctic, desert, rocky shore .

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Even, it is believed that lichen was present more than 400 million years ago.

Therefore, many people believe that lichen can survive on Mars, especially when it has been proven to have water.

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However, like cyanobacteria, lichen is a species with good photosynthesis so according to many people, the appearance of lichens in Mars will not be feasible.