5 unexpected assassins in nature

Forget the sharp teeth of sharks or the strikes with the terrible power of lions, reported by the five assassins below robbing the victim of his life gently and without needing a Hunting tactics.

Jellyfish box

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The box jellyfish is also known as the sea hornet, which is about the size of a football, the box jellyfish assassin has 60 tentacles on a total body length of more than 4.5m.

In it, each tentacle has 5,000 poisonous cells and the amount of venom they carry is enough to 'take down' 60 people in just a few minutes.

According to experts' estimates, more than 100 people die each year globally due to some sea bees and bees. Data from the American National Science Association show that in the Philippines alone, up to 40 people die each year because of jellyfish injections.

Asian cobra

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Although the Asian cobra is not on the list of the world's most poisonous snakes, they are the culprits that claim the lives of several thousand people every year.

Especially, there is no official report on the number of snake bites worldwide. It is estimated that the number of snake bites worldwide is around 20,000 - 125,000 cases / year.

The majority of Asian cobra victims are people living in South Asia, Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Even in some careless cases, some cobra species can spray venom into human eyes with extremely high accuracy.


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Every year globally, cable beetles poison about 1.2 million people, of which 3,250 people die. Most deaths occur in tropical forests in underdeveloped countries.

With characteristics that only appear at night, the victim cannot detect the scorpion's appearance until being bitten and poisoned. More dangerous is when cable beetles get into the pants or in shoes that people don't know.

In the scorpion world, there are about 25 deadly venom-bearing species


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Although mosquitoes are classified as the smallest of the killer killers, they cause more deaths than all other species combined.

In Western countries, a mosquito bite only causes a tingling sensation that transiently discomforts, but there are mosquitoes that are extremely dangerous when they become intermediaries for transmitting malaria parasites to humans.

The World Health Organization estimates that in 2010 malaria kills about 537,000 - 907,000 people, most of whom are children under 5 in Africa.


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Few people know that elephants are the culprits causing the deaths of 500 people a year worldwide.

Weighing in at 8 tons, adult African elephants will not need to use any hunting tactics but only need to use the power of the sharp ivory to take down the victim.

However, the huge weight of elephants also did not help them escape the human hand because of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and Plants, in 2011 alone, illegal hunters were killing tens of thousands of elephants.