The assassins once dominated the blue sky

Millions of years ago, toothed birds, flying lizards and super insects were lords in the sky. They eat every animal, from flies to dinosaurs.

Birds have teeth

Picture 1 of The assassins once dominated the blue sky

Artwork of birds with Ludger Bollen 's teeth.

Giant bird Dasornis emuinus - once living on earth about 50 million years ago - is shaped like a goose with wingspan of about 5 meters. They fly over the sea to hunt fish and squid. One of the unique features of Dasornis emuinus is that they have many sharp things like teeth at the edge of the mine. These dentures are made of keratin - the substance that makes up human hair and nails. With those dentures, Dasornis emuinus can hold on to slippery prey.

Super insect

Picture 2 of The assassins once dominated the blue sky Artwork of ancient dragonfly Meganeuropsis permiana with a wingspan of 70 cm. Photo: Dodoni.

About 300 million years ago the rate of atmospheric oxygen was 35% (much larger than today '21%. That situation causes many insects - organisms to take oxygen into the body through a network. The capillaries - achieving great size The largest insect that scientists have ever discovered is called Meganeuropsis permiana, although it is the ancestor of the dragonfly, but this species has wingspan of up to 70 cm and is as heavy as the species. They rattle above the swamps to hunt amphibians and flies.

New Zealand Eagle

Picture 3 of The assassins once dominated the blue sky Haast's eagle artwork captures moa - a bird that doubles as an adult. Photo: Ken WS Ashwell .

Haast's Eagle ( Harpagornis moorei ) is the lord of New Zealand before people arrive here.The wingspan of these birds is only about 3 meters, but with a weight of up to 18 kg, they are heavier than every eagle that once lived on the earth.Haast's eagle has the ability to defeat moa - a species of bird that runs and is twice as adult (now extinct).According to scientists, these assassins often hide on tall trees and plunge down their prey with great speed so that the target has almost no chance of escaping.

Giant reptile with wings

Picture 4 of The assassins once dominated the blue sky Artwork of flying lizard catches baby dinosaurs. Photos: Mark Witton and Darren Naish .

Long-legged reptile animals Azhdarchids once terrified all species 65-100 million years ago. With a height of giraffes, they fly through membrane-like wings. According to Newscientist , if the span of their wing size can be reached up to 10 m. Flying reptile animals use both hind legs and wings to fly up. Perhaps many people will be surprised to know that Azhdarchids is a close relative of the crocodile .

According to a recent study, Azhdarchids often walk on the ground to find bait like storks.They often eat baby dinosaurs.

Birds have a wingspan of 7 m

Picture 5 of The assassins once dominated the blue sky Argentavis magnificens birds' artwork of Stanton F. Fink .

Argentavis magnificens have lived on the planet about 6 million years ago.Their fossil bones were found in the vast fields of Argentina and at the foot of the Andes.Their wingspan is up to 7 meters - equivalent to the wing length of small aircraft.

Because the body weight is so large, Argentavis magnificens cannot keep balance constantly in the air by flapping their wings.Instead, they must constantly glide to take advantage of the lift of the air currents.To take off they ran down a steep slope and jumped up, and smashed their wings hard.

When landing, Argentavis magnificens must straighten their legs to slow down.Then their wings spread out to cause resistance like parachuting.

New Zealand said that Argentavis magnificens could be related to vultures and storks today.