Flying lizards, living during the dinosaurs, were the first vertebrate to fly. However, since there are currently no flying lizards, the majority of information about them is

The fossil tooth is a remnant of an intense aerial attack between a double-spotted shark and lizard.

If you talk to a scientist, sometimes two people may not understand each other. Part of the reason comes from a lot of scientific terms, when used in common language has a very

Scientists have identified the reason why a large dinosaur-sized giraffe is capable of flying across the ocean.

According to media reports, the animal has a sagging lower jaw, indicating that their mouths have pockets like pelicans, perhaps to catch fish and small reptiles.

Scientists found 215 fossil eggs from the Hamipterus tianshanensis in the Xinjiang autonomous region, China, and Guardian yesterday reported.

Scientists at Tokyo University, Japan discovered fossils of an ancient predator flying in the Gobi desert, Mongolia.

Scientists have just announced the discovery of a new lizard species in Tatagonia, South America.

Flying lizards with giant wingspan once ruled the sky 60 million years ago and played an important role in the late Cretaceous ecosystem.

Scientists have recently discovered the bones of nearly 50 winged reptiles of a new species, Caiuajara dobruskii, which lived during the Cretaceous period in Southern Brazil.