5 years old and strange perfection of sight

Children can draw green trees or red grass because their brains cannot ' bind ' colors or parts of an object together.

Because colors and portions of objects are in different groups in the young brain, Vanessa Simmering at the University of Wisconsin in Madison suspects that young children have not yet developed the ability to link the information stored in each. part.

Picture 1 of 5 years old and strange perfection of sight

5 years old, new children develop vision(Photo: Abcnews.go.com)

To test her hypothesis, she showed 28 4-year-old children and 28 5-year-olds a picture of three parts on a computer screen in a short time. Soon after, they were able to see a new image, and asked if it was the same as the previous image or any change.

Although 4-year-olds can detect when a new color has been introduced, however, they do not seem to recognize if there are 2 in the parts with the color swapping. With the same test, 5-year-olds do not have such problems, they are able to combine different types of visual information. Thus, after being 5 years old, the ability to combine new types of visual information develops.

Picture 2 of 5 years old and strange perfection of sight

Young children cannot distinguish the colors of things (Photo: Vam.ac.uk)

That may explain why children often use inappropriate colors in their drawings, Simmering, who presented her results at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. The festival in Amsterdam at the end of July said.