6 characteristics of men with good sperm, easy to give birth

According to scientists, men's sperm health depends greatly on habits and lifestyles .

To properly evaluate the quality of sperm before birth, there is no sure way to go to the doctor yourself. However, according to many scientific studies, looking at a man's appearance, living habits, and lifestyle is also a sign of sperm quality.

Accordingly, the type of man with good sperm, easy to give birth usually:

1. Men have a handsome face

A new study conducted by Finnish and Spanish scientists shows that compared to men with normal faces, masculine men, with handsome faces . often sperm will be inferior quality. This result partly reflects the fact that male sperm quality is inversely proportional to attractive appearance. Handsome men, male masculine faces, sperm quality may not be equal to ordinary men.

Lead researcher Dr. Jukka Kekäläinen said: The reason can be assumed by "balance theory" . Simply, every man has a fixed amount of energy for reproductive purposes. This energy is distributed to a number of different areas. " So if a man consumes more resources into semen production, he may have fewer resources to develop attractive secondary sex characteristics, such as the male-shaped contours on the mold. face".

Picture 1 of 6 characteristics of men with good sperm, easy to give birth
Handsome men, male masculine faces, sperm quality may not be equal to ordinary men.(illustration).

2. Men have a male voice

Researchers, Dr. Ray Simmons and his team at the University of Western Australia have studied and found that, while women appreciate the men with deep voices, they are actually men. he has such an accent which has lower semen concentration.

Testosterone may be responsible for this phenomenon. According to the study authors: Testosterone is the indicator for more masculine signs on the face and makes the voice deeper, but too much testosterone prevents sperm production.

3. Men wear loose, loose underwear

Wearing tight underwear can make sperm "suffocate". A recent study by British scientists found that, compared to tight-fitting men, men wearing loose panties with sperm moved 24% faster. The swimming speed of sperm is very important, because slow swimming sperm will be difficult to access eggs and successfully fertilize.

Lead researcher Dr. Andrew Povey said wearing fitted underwear could improve semen quality. There is evidence that too high a testicular temperature hinders sperm production.

4. Men love to eat sea fish

Men who only love eating red meat such as pigs, cows . and processed meats will make semen suffer heavy losses.

Harvard University researchers found that most processed meat-eating men had a significantly lower number of normal-shaped sperm than normal people. On the other hand, fish have a protective effect on sperm. Men who like to eat fish, especially salmon and tuna have 65% higher sperm concentration than those who eat less fish.

Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids play a role in sperm production, the researchers said.

Picture 2 of 6 characteristics of men with good sperm, easy to give birth
Exercise not only helps men have a balanced body but also good for reproductive health.

5. Men exercise regularly

According to the Harvard University study, men who exercised more than 15 hours a week had better blood pumping capacity and 73% higher sperm concentration than those who were lazy.

Exercise not only helps men have a balanced body but is also good for reproductive health, preventing free radicals from damaging sperm cells. Researchers also found that boys watching TV more than 20 hours a week had 44% lower sperm concentration than others.

6. Men do not eat leftovers in plastic containers

It may seem irrelevant, but actually, leftovers in plastic containers can destroy sperm.Bisphenol-A (BPA) , a chemical that can seep from plastic into food when heated and then enters the body.

Danish researchers found that men with high levels of BPA in their urine had poorer sperm activity than others.

Scientists are not sure how exactly BPA affects semen, but they think BPA can affect estrogen and androgen activity in the epididymis. And this can hinder the normal development of sperm.