7 great technology tips for new graduates

This is the advice for the most successful people in the technology industry to draw after many hard times they themselves encounter.

Tips of 7 big technology for new graduates

Although currently pioneers in their field, technology giants almost all have a starting point that is not too favorable and they all understand what new students graduate in particular or gender. Children generally encounter when starting the career path. Here are the golden tips that technology giants put together after going through this stage.

1. Bill Gates - Microsoft co-founder

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2. Jack Dorsey - Twitter co-founder, founder and CEO Square

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3. Mark Zuckerberg - CEO Facebook Inc

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4. Steve Jobs - Apple Co-founder, Inc

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5. Elon Musk - CEO Tesla Motors and SpaceX

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6. Max Levchin - Co-founder of PayPal

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7. Jimmy Wales - Founder of Wikipedia

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