7 painful situations should not be underestimated

Pain may be the initial manifestation of a serious illness that is occurring. You need to pay attention and seek medical care immediately. Health experts have suggested 7 painful situations that you should not underestimate:

1. A lot of headaches

Picture 1 of 7 painful situations should not be underestimated Headache in the cold season, when it gets heavier . is often considered to be caused by flu, sinusitis. But in the elderly who have high blood pressure, diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders . before, if the headaches are more or more recurring, unusual discomfort is accompanied by feeling. Hissing over their heads, patients should seek medical attention early.

In children, if the headache is recurring, there is more vomiting in the morning or convulsive symptoms . parents should not underestimate because it may be a manifestation of childhood goiter.

2. Pain and discomfort in the chest

If chest pain is accompanied by a feeling of heavy chest, difficulty breathing or nervousness, dizziness in patients with a history of high blood pressure, cardiovascular ., need to see a doctor to diagnose early cardiovascular complications such as Myocardial anemia or myocardial infarction.

Chest pain with a fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius, coughing with lots of sputum are also common in the elderly or young children in the cold season. We should not ignore it.

Some women suffer from abdominal pain, chest tightness, discomfort or dizziness, dizziness that they are menopausal or postmenopausal. In fact, menopausal women are at risk of cardiovascular events and die suddenly at this time as much as men.

3. Pain behind the chest or hip, back suddenly

According to Dr. Brangman, senior professor of medicine at Syracuse University (New York), it is usually due to rheumatism. Another possibility should be noted is cardiovascular accident.

4. A lot of abdominal pain, suddenly

A lot of abdominal pain, if there is a sudden occurrence of fever above 38.5 degrees Celsius, diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal distention . should also take the patient to a medical facility. Reasons: Must be cautious and detect an early infection in the abdomen or surgery in the abdomen must have emergency surgery such as acute appendicitis, intestinal cage, perforation, intestinal obstruction caused by tumors colon, twisted ovarian cyst .

5. Pain and a feeling of heavy calf muscle with foot swelling

This is a manifestation of deep venous thromboembolism in the groin, thigh or pelvis, common in women who are pregnant or obese, sedentary, have diabetes . Do not see often severe muscular pain foot.

6. Foot pain, feet with numbness

Some people have numbness in their legs, feet or needles. Feeling more and more uncomfortable . it is a manifestation of complications of peripheral nerves. Patients need to see a doctor immediately to treat diabetes.

7. Ambiguous pain, many places

Elderly people have vague, indescribable pain in many places (headache, abdominal pain, leg pain .) if they are accompanied by insomnia or drowsiness, forgetfulness, fatigue and unintentional weight loss. . may be symptoms of neurasthenia, depression. Attention should be paid to the psychiatrist.

Doctor TRAN CHÁNH KHƯƠNG (HCMC Cancer Hospital)