The gap between women and men is underestimated

In a study published on January 4, three European psychologists used a new model to study personality differences between men and women saying that the gender gap was underestimated in previous studies.

Picture 1 of The gap between women and men is underestimated

"The idea that only small differences between male and female personalities should be rejected is based on incomplete methodologies , " scientists wrote on PLoS ONE online weekly (

According to scientist Marco Del Giudice of Italy's University of Turin, researchers conducted a survey in 1993 on 10,000 men and women in the United States.

The survey, called the 16-factor personality questionnaire, explored factors such as enthusiasm, prominence, sensitivity, caution, trust, perfection and stress.

Comparing results between men and women, after considering many typical characteristics, scientists found that there is an enormous difference between the sexes, the differences seem to be very small when Look at each individual.

"There are huge differences in psychological standards," said Del Giudice and colleagues Tom Booth, Paul Irwing at the University of Manchester, UK.

In the concluding section, they call for further research to build "a solid foundation for scientific research on the difference between sexual psychology, as well as on biological and cultural origins." ".