8 common mistakes when taking care of teeth

We often brush our teeth 1-2 times a day but just brushing our teeth in the morning or evening is not enough to have a perfect smile. Here are 8 common mistakes when we take care of our teeth.

8. Brush your teeth too hard

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When we press the brush too hard, the bristles will bend and cannot remove the leftovers. In addition, too strong brushing can hurt your gums.

7. Do not pay attention to good food for teeth

We know that eating too much sweets can cause tooth decay. However, to keep your teeth healthy, we need to supplement foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and fluoride.

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Here are some good foods for teeth:

  1. Foods rich in calcium include: dairy products, shelled vegetables, fish, beans.
  2. Foods rich in phosphorus: fish, cereals, nuts, lentils.

We often get fluoride through tap water. However, if you live in an area without tap water, eat foods high in fluoride, such as milk, salt .

6. No additional cleaning tools

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The brush cannot clean the teeth slot and that's why you need dental floss. And to kill bacteria in your mouth, you need mouthwash.

You can also use the 'water toothpick' - a dental water spray cleaner after brushing your teeth.

5. Forget benefits

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If your benefits are weak and your blood supply is not sufficient, periodontitis is likely to occur.

When this disease occurs, the gums will bleed, becoming inflamed. Benefits can be dropped, expose the neck and eventually cause tooth loss.

For better health, you need to massage your gums with a toothbrush or finger. Eat solid food and chew well.

You can also rinse your mouth with oak bark, tea or salt water.

If the water is bleeding, see a dentist for proper medication.

4. Do not take tartar

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Tartar is plaque around the teeth formed from saliva and food. It is usually brownish yellow and the toothbrush does not work.

These plaques can cause periodontal disease.

Plaque is very solid so it can only be removed by specialized equipment at the dental clinic.

You should get tartar at least once a year. But the dentist will be the one who decides the number of times to get tartar in your year.

3. Braces are for teens only

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Many people think that orthodontics should only be done in adolescence and then there will be no opportunities. But it's not like that, in fact.

Bright smile is not the main reason that you have to orthodontic but because if the teeth are discouraged, the risk of tooth decay is always high.

2. Only chew on one side

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Chewing is a tooth cleaning action. So if you only chew on one side, it will make the other party vulnerable to tooth decay.

In addition, chewing on one side of the jaw will make the face deviate, even affect the hearing because the chewing side has stronger and firmer muscle mass.

Attention should be taken to chew both sides of the jaw. Don't forget to eat certain solid foods like fruits and vegetables to make your teeth stronger.

1. Don't teach children how to take care of their teeth properly

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Some parents think that baby teeth are not important because they will be replaced. But a child needs to learn how to take care of their teeth early to form good habits.

Children need to know that brushing takes 3 minutes and brushing should be vertical and not horizontal brushing.

When permanent teeth grow, the health of the teeth will then not be as 'strong' as in adulthood so the child is very susceptible to tooth decay. And the oral care routine has formed since baby teeth will be very helpful for children.