Worn teeth, lost profit because too much brushing

Brushing your teeth too often can cause immeasurable harm. To have a beautiful tooth, the most important thing is to clean and take care of your teeth properly.

Too much brushing is not good for teeth and gums

Improper oral hygiene, particularly brushing too often not only does not protect teeth but on the contrary causes many dental diseases and aesthetics.

Brushing your teeth too often causes tooth erosion

Many patients come to dental treatment in the case of scratched, worn-out teeth, tingling, but it is unclear because of daily oral hygiene. The results of the examination showed that the cause was due to the habit of brushing teeth more than 3 times / day. Many patients share their teeth 4 times a day (morning, lunch, dinner, evening). Even some people maintain the habit of brushing their teeth right after eating.

Picture 1 of Worn teeth, lost profit because too much brushing
Brushing your teeth right after eating is a mistake

This is a wrong habit.Brush your teeth to clean the plaque but if abuse will be harmful. The most common consequence is to damage the surface of the teeth, erode the roots of teeth, and suffer from even receding gums. Besides, although regularly brushing teeth, many people still suffer from diseases such as worms and inflammation. That's because they brushed the wrong teeth, not cleaning up the rest of the food.

Brush your teeth properly

In principle, only brush your teeth 2-3 times a day , after eating especially sweet foods, starch and before bed. In particular, brushing your teeth before going to bed is the most important because at night your mouth is not working, bacteria have conditions to develop tooth decay.

It is not necessary to brush your teeth after every meal . Instead, rinse your mouth with clean water, dilute brine or floss. Note, do not brush your teeth as soon as you finish eating, at this time the mouth environment is highly acidic, strong rubbing easily damages tooth enamel. Therefore, only brush your teeth after eating for at least 15-20 minutes.

Picture 2 of Worn teeth, lost profit because too much brushing Floss instead of brushing your teeth after eating

Proper oral hygiene is the most important measure to limit dental diseases . Toothpaste and mouthwash only have a supportive effect. Therefore, choosing the right brush and brushing teeth is very important. Use a soft brush, small hair, brush teeth in a counterclockwise direction on all tooth surfaces, gently but combed,