Tooth loss is 10 years earlier because of an unnecessary habit

Brushing your teeth right after eating, brushing with cold water, flossing with toothpicks . causes you to lose teeth earlier.

Many people think that brushing their teeth after eating will benefit teeth, but the truth is not so.

The ideal time to brush your teeth is about 30 minutes after eating. Many acidic foods and drinks such as orange juice can soften tooth enamel, need to wait for the pH in the mouth to balance before brushing.

Hurry is never a good thing.

Picture 1 of Tooth loss is 10 years earlier because of an unnecessary habit
Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating.

Brush your teeth with cold water

Brushing with cold water is the habit of most people.

But experts on toothpaste said: In the mixture of toothpaste containing many ingredients is friction and fluoride. But these substances only work at maximum temperatures around 37 degrees C.

So when brushing your teeth with cold water, these substances will not work so we can not brush your teeth.

Moreover, regular and long-term brushing of teeth with water can also affect the health of gums and soft tissues. Causes damage to tooth enamel and dentin.

Floss with toothpicks

Using toothpicks will make your teeth sparse, leading to more food being caught.

The main reason is because the diameter of the toothpick is often larger than the distance of the interstitial, if the size is too small, the toothpick is not strong enough to be inserted between the teeth.

Picture 2 of Tooth loss is 10 years earlier because of an unnecessary habit
Brushing your teeth with cold water hurts tooth enamel and dentin.

Eat - drink when food is too hot

The temperature difference when drinking or eating too hot food will make the tooth surface produce small cracks, visible to the naked eye.

These small lesions will cause tooth enamel wear to make your teeth sensitive or sensitive when eating cold food. Most serious is that it also causes damage to the marrow, making it easy for infections and boils.

Eat too much starch

Starch has many ingredients: bread, biscuits, pasta . will convert into sugar, creating a favorable environment for the growth of caries bacteria.

Use teeth as tools

The use of gloves to open the bottle, tear the label, bite the pen, bite the plastic bag . will wear away the enamel, causing damage: broken teeth, cracked teeth.