Early loss of teeth affects children's oral health

The sight when the tooth replacement was given to the fairies gave desirable gifts that made the children try to shake their teeth, but what would happen when a baby tooth or a dentist lost early due to an injury? ?

Picture 1 of Early loss of teeth affects children's oral health

(Photo: en.wikipedia.org)

According to a study published in the March or April 2008 issue of General Dentistry magazine, ordinary parents and butlers do not know what to do with an impacted tooth, and do not perform The right steps to deal with trauma, this can affect children's dental health permanently.

The two types of trauma tooth loss that may occur in childhood are: The child may lose early tooth teeth, or they may lose permanent teeth. 'With baby teeth (errors are caused by parents or housekeepers), they often do not believe that losing a baby tooth is particularly important, because it is assumed that an eternal tooth is anyway will grow up to replace it ', said Tom A. Howley, a spokesman for ADG. Preserving milk teeth is important because they keep distance for permanent teeth. Moreover, keeping your teeth properly will also increase the likelihood that the permanent teeth will straighten.

According to the study's lead author, Lucianne Cople Maia, another error was caused by parents and housekeepers believing that they can replant their teeth all the time. In some cases, teeth can be re-braced. However, this treatment still has to find the lost baby tooth. 'Should check for fractures or other damage' in the area of ​​the missing tooth, explains Dr. Howley.

When permanent tooth loss occurs, parents and housekeepers often delay in finding cures, and / or not storing teeth properly on the way to the hospital. Mark Donald - AGD spokesperson explained, 'The chance of success is directly related to the extent of the injury and the time the teeth leave the oral cavity. Teeth should be placed in a wet solution like milk while being taken to a dentist. " Dr. Maria added, " The ideal time for losing teeth and replanting teeth should not exceed 30 minutes'.

According to the study, young children tend to lose permanent teeth early because their teeth and gums are still developing. " Parents need to realize that, when a child becomes active, the risk of injury to the teeth will increase," said Dr. Donald. When you start playing sports, make sure that your child has brought mouth protection as a protective tool against the traumatic effects of the injury , 'he advised.

Parents can prepare for dental injuries that can occur by creating an emergency care kit, including the dentist's phone number (house number and agency), salt solution, handkerchief. , gauze, a small box with a lid and ibuprofen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Do not bring aspirin with you because in an emergency, it can cause excessive bleeding.

The right response to traumatized teeth is:

· Stay calm and estimate the level of injury.

· Hemostasis.

· Determining whether trauma is more related to tooth loss and medical care needs.

· Call to arrange professional care of pediatric dentist.

If the missing tooth is permanent, then the first thing to do is, make sure that the tooth is cleaned with milk and replant it immediately. Keep it right on the way to get professional care. If you cannot replant your teeth, ask your doctor how to store your teeth in the environment. The ability to sort from the water, milk or saliva of children. Let the dentist guide you how to use it.