Oral health shows your health

According to Dr. Sameer Patel, director of the Elleven Dental Center in London (UK), from the color of teeth to gum status, the mouth can tell you a lot about your overall health. Therefore, you should pay more attention to dental health, especially the following warning signs:

>>>Can die if the mouth is not clean

Dry mouth: Diabetes

Picture 1 of Oral health shows your health

Although dry mouth can be caused by dehydration and other factors such as drinking and smoking, lack of saliva is also one of the early symptoms of diabetes. The reason is that diabetes causes blood vessels in the salivary glands to thicken and reduce the level of natural saliva production. Other symptoms of diabetes include thirst, tingling in the hands and feet, frequent urination and blurred vision.

Bad breath: Diseases in the stomach, gastrointestinal tract or liver

If you have brushed your teeth, shaved your tongue, flossed your teeth and used mouthwash and your breath is still foul, it could be a symptom of some serious disease in your body, possibly a stomach problem. , gastrointestinal tract, even liver disease. All of these conditions usually do not have any symptoms at an early stage, but the disease will progress rapidly when you drink a lot of alcohol.

Mouth and recurrence: Oral cancer

Picture 2 of Oral health shows your health

Usually, mouth ulcers are depleted by the body and the immune system is working poorly, but recurrent or prolonged mouth ulcers are signs that need to be checked. Symptoms of oral cancer may be a large ulcer with a red or white border surrounded by bleeding and numbness. Every year, more than 30,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer and most are over the age of 60. These cancers are often detected late and if you smoke, the risk of oral cancer is higher.

Bleeding in the gum: Periodontal risk

Bleeding from your gums during or after brushing your teeth, along with bad breath can be a sign that you have gingivitis. If left untreated, you may have periodontitis - an infection in the tissue and bone that supports and holds teeth. In severe cases, periodontitis can make the jaw bone severely damaged and the teeth can open. Finally, the teeth can be shaken and shed. To reduce the risk of gum disease, in addition to proper oral hygiene to prevent bacterial attacks, you should visit your dentist regularly.

Worn teeth: mental stress

Picture 3 of Oral health shows your health

Grinding your teeth can be a sign of emotional or psychological stress, but because of the time when we are fast asleep, we often don't know it until we find that our teeth are worn out. Symptoms of bruxism include jaw pain and headache that have no known cause. To avoid tooth damage, you can use the braces recommended by experts at night to reduce teeth clenching and protect teeth.