Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Dismantling oral secrets lacks a basis in personal health care.

>>>7 not right concept when eating eggs

Keeping yourself in good health is extremely important for each person. But now there are many different methods and recipes that are word of mouth without a scientific basis. This can lead to ineffective health care, even reverse effects.

This article will give some tips to ' trust ' many people who believe in body care. Stay away from these tips, you will always have good health.

1. A cold is caused by not wearing enough warmth

Picture 1 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

The flu is caused by a virus and can be caught in all seasons. However, the cold and cold weather facilitates the virus to multiply and develop. Therefore, many people feel that it is due to not wearing warm when it is cold.

2. Using more vitamins will be more beneficial

Picture 2 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Using lots of vitamins is only good when you have health problems. When you get sick, your body will need a large amount of vitamins to make up for lost important substances. Under normal conditions, overuse of vitamins will harm your body and even lead to cancer.

3. The more you drink, the better

Picture 3 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Milk fortified with vitamin D and calcium is good for bone growth. But paradoxically, it is these ingredients in milk that make the rate of osteoporosis very high, according to a study by American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.

In addition, a Swedish research group, headed by Karl Michaelsson, also proved that drinking too much milk reduced life expectancy, especially among women.

4. Swim after eating easily get cramps

Picture 4 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Time for you to digest food when swimming as well as normal, not causing stomach cramps as many people believe. The phenomenon of cramps can occur while swimming but there is absolutely no connection with the stomach.

5. Swallowing gum will be 'guty'

Picture 5 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

When we were young, we often believed in the story of swallowing chewing gum. However, scientists have demonstrated: swallowed gum will be digested as normal food.

6. '5 seconds rule'

Picture 6 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Many people think that food falling to the ground if picked up before 5 seconds can still be eaten. But few know, with some foods, bacteria can enter in a millisecond.

7. Eating yogurt continuously helps improve the function of the digestive system

Picture 7 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Today many types of yogurt are advertised to contain good intestinal benefits. But in fact, the bacteria in the digestive system still work well without eating yogurt continuously to supplement.

8. Eating an apple every day will keep you healthy all year round

Picture 8 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

Each apple contains a lot of vitamin C and fiber. This makes many people believe that when dieting, eating only one apple a day is enough.

However, nutritionists claim that apples cannot replace the main meal and whether dieting also requires other essentials, especially protein.

9. Don't eat ice cream

Picture 9 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

When you tell your parents that you want to eat ice cream while you're sick, your parents won't agree. But there is a surprise that in this case, the sentence 'poison poisoning' can be applied properly.

Very few people know that cold food can ease the sore throat and can provide energy if you cannot eat.

10. Breaking 'crack' fingers and legs causes arthritis

Picture 10 of Health concepts everyone says but you should not believe

At first glance, this sounds reasonable. Breaking the knuckles will cause some impact on the joints, but that is actually not enough to cause inflammation.

Scientific studies have shown that the rate of arthritis of a person who breaks a knuckle or not to break a knuckle is the same.