History of birth and hacker concepts

This English noun has become familiar to many Vietnamese people, from informants to " outsiders ". In the most general sense today, hackers are illegal intruders of information technology systems that they can identify.

This concept began to take shape in the nineteenth century, when a group of young people managed the telephone switchboard (the technology invented by Graham Bell) took advantage of diverting calls, eavesdropping on conversations with many games. Other " malice ". Since this harassment has been discovered, people tend to use more female employees because they are more reliable.

The history of early hackers, which began in the 1950s and 1960s, covers both hardware and software and revolves around an artificial intelligence laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT - USA). Cleverly curious students, who had invaded the Tech Model railroad's phone system and operating center, were fascinated by the massive computers in the hospital. MIT's director, Marvin Minsky, allowed them to have direct access to these machines and is considered the first platform for future hackers. Later "big names" came from here like Peter Deutsch, Bill Gosper, Richard Greenblatt, Tom Knight and Jerry Sussman.

Picture 1 of History of birth and hacker concepts Initially, hackers with the terms "hacker" and "cracker" all mean the person who performs the form of computer destruction, in which the cracker has a higher level. But because the cracker also did the same cracking work as a low-level hacker, people later called the hackers together with the word hacker. The development of computers comes with the idea of ​​devastating, forming two areas of light in the technology world. The period of 1970-1980 was called by the hackers as their "golden" because there was no control law.

After MIT, other training centers in the United States also became "land" that nurtured many hackers like Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford. For example, when the artificial intelligence lab Stanford, under the "direction" of John McCarthy, saw the SAIL machine shut down in 1991 after the hacker sent an e-mail with a "goodbye" message. Internet as if SAIL himself sent "the moon" to friends. Even commercial research centers like ATT, Xerox . have been turned into hackers' private homes with names like Ed Fredkin, Brian Reid, Jim Gosling, Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie or Richard Stallman. .

Another wave of hacking was born at the Homebrew computer club in San Francisco (USA). This is the convergence of electronic lovers and wants to build their own computers, not only software but also hardware for the purpose of being more personal, not destroying the property of others. Highlights of this group are Lee Felsenstein, Steve Dompier, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, who laid the foundation for the PC for the world.

However, when computers become popular all over the world, along with the strong development of the Internet, remote destructive activities are more risky. The US government must establish a legal corridor to correct hacker behavior to protect the interests of organizations and individuals using this device. In the late 1980s, they enacted laws against computer abuse and fraud and established a computer rescue center to respond quickly to criminal acts. Under US law, all acts of infiltrating other people's computers without permission will be prosecuted and imprisoned, a fine, depending on the severity.

But as the cyber world exploded, the activity of hacker groups became more complex and difficult to control because the national border was removed. Hackers in this country can attack websites, cheating Internet users in other countries. Many countries have to develop their own anti-crime law. Accordingly, many countries require hackers to hack into computers or websites that host servers in any country will be extradited to that country to deal with and abide by their laws.

The point of view in hackers is also very contradictory. People think that they hack for fun, not harm anyone; People think that they should only exploit the error to report back to the software company, website administrator or mainframe system. Other groups silently take advantage of security holes to benefit themselves. Because of this, a series of troublesome terms have emerged to express the nature of each hacker group.

- White hat hackers : are programmers who specialize in finding software errors with the purpose of repairing and building safer systems.

- Black hat hackers : in opposition to white-hat hackers, are hackers who destroy and profit for themselves.

- Green hat hackers / samurai : are talented programmers, invited by companies like Microsoft to work on finding bugs for their software.

- Gray hat hackers or brown hats : are those who sometimes do the work of white hat hackers but still do the work of black hat hackers.

Regardless of their gender, they are still doing the intrusion work through security holes. If the attack is illegal and consequently, the hacker in any gender will be treated in an equal manner.