Vietnamese Hacker, who are you?

Chat with a hacker in VietHacker forum for about 3 minutes, this hacker has learned a lot of personal information of chat friends: date of birth, hobby . According to this hacker, simply google is done.

' I know all the information about you. From here I can even learn about your friends. This is just the simplest case, 'said Hacker.

Who is Vietnamese hacker?

Searching for Vietnamese websites is currently attracting the most participants, Hackervn, VietHacker and HKC, most of the members are still very young.

According to a forum member, members can be students studying at technical schools, a small number of students studying in the social sector.

Picture 1 of Vietnamese Hacker, who are you?
Vietnamese hackers are still very young

Besides students, there are even more ' big ' hackers. These hackers often do not top websites that operate silently. These can be highly qualified people, working in big banks and big universities in Vietnam.

According to the research of PV, at the beginning of the establishment, hacker forums tend to spread and encourage the attack of computers, using the ' temple ' account. After a series of hacker websites were entered by authorities, many hackers were arrested, these websites moved to operate with the criteria of " not destroying, not spreading viruses, not sending pornography . "

Network security experts said, the previous life of hackers often go to the site to play mischievously, play happily, to prove their self-expression. In the past few years, some hackers have hacked into systems aimed at making money, such as breaking into Google's servers to get important information related to software source code and intellectual property.

Are all hackers bad?

Picture 2 of Vietnamese Hacker, who are you?
Becoming " white hat " hacker is harder than " black hat " hacker

Besides hackers ' black hats ' there is a ' white hat ' hacker. That is, hackers want to use their knowledge to help organizations and governments build a more secure security system.

According to a hacker nicknamed ABi, they are simply a programmer, capable of making money using computers, creating programs no one can understand.

These hackers are judging by experts, that is a savvy hacker. These hackers are capable, they can create new programs for purposes or interests that not everyone can do.

In fact, many businesses are now posting a lot of information about hiring security personnel in large numbers and with relatively high salaries, because security holes are becoming an urgent issue for businesses. Many businesses have paid the price for losing hundreds of billions of dollars due to security flaws for hackers ' black hats ' to attack.

But also in this case, the " white hat " hacker will help businesses, when a program does not work, the hacker will find a patch to fix the error. Thanks to the skill of hackers, they make money from this job completely, without bad reputation.

According to Abi hacker, when computers started to connect with each other, hackers now simply wanted to know how a computer in a network worked, and now the term appeared, the hacker was use computers to break into certain networks that are not members.

Many companies have hired hackers to find errors in their security systems. Many hackers after entering the server have left signs or messages, informing the administrator of the security hole he has invaded, helping the administrator to remedy in time. .

A hacker nicknamed Bahung, he used to break into the computer of the girl he liked when he entered the chat room on the Internet, he was in Hanoi, and the girl in Hai Phong. In order to ' approach ', the hacker entered the IP address, invaded VDC's server to find out the girl's phone number.

Then he asked friends in Hai Phong to visit this girl's house to record and record. Many times talking on the internet, the hacker has come back to Hai Phong with the desire to be the girl's boyfriend. Their love story begins.

A HVA hacker showed sadness: ' Every time it comes to hackers, people think we are intruders. But we are the builders of security, not vandals ".