8 mysteries of muscles

Your body has 650 muscles. You should consider them in everyday functions such as eating, breathing, walking . but do not pay attention to all the muscles. For example, when walking, there will be 200 muscles working regardless of whether you pay attention to controlling them or not.

Discover 8 mysteries of muscles

The muscle mysteries below not only help you understand muscle activity, but also help you to make your muscles bigger, stronger and more satisfied.

1. Muscle fibers have many different possibilities

The frame muscles consist of two types of muscle fibers : slow-shrink muscle fibers, mainly used in endurance activities; fast-shrink muscle fibers, only work when it has to use more than 25% of your maximum capacity.

Most of us have equal and fast shrinkage of muscle fibers except athletes . For example, a marathon runner has a much slower shrinkage of muscle fibers, while a sprinter has a much faster shrinkage. Fast-shrink muscle fibers are twice as fast as muscle fibers that shrink slowly and can be even larger if you exercise.

2. In order for your muscles to grow, you must practice lifting heavy objects

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Rarely do muscles get strength for a movement. When you lift lightweight objects, only fast-shrinking muscle fibers work, slow muscle fibers are relaxed. Therefore, if you want to build large muscles, you need to lift heavier objects, then fast and slow muscles must be involved.

3. The number of muscle fibers cannot increase, only increase quality

Born, they had a fixed number of muscle fibers. We cannot increase the number of muscle fibers but can only train them to make the capsule firmer.

4. Want to give a big triceps, should practice lifting people

Triceps are large muscles behind the upper arm (near the armpit). You want to make this muscle big, don't do weight training. Instead, you should practice lifting people (rafters). But this type of practice must be careful, always slow in movements. If you see back or shoulder pain, stop exercising.

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5. Want muscle growth, need more testosterone

Everyone has testosterrone in their bodies, from girls to elderly. However, only men have this abundant amount of hormone, which can increase 10 times during puberty. There are 4 ways to increase testosterone levels:

  1. Exercise and sports to mobilize all working muscles.
  2. Lifting heavy objects, up to 85% of the chances you can lift once when practicing.
  3. Do lots of exercises during practice, such as versatile exercise.
  4. The break time between the two sessions is short, from 30-60 seconds / break.

6. Don't focus too much on protein

It's true that muscle is made of protein so you can eat protein to expand muscle follicles . But if you're a slim person, eating a lot of protein doesn't help your muscles expand, because your body will metabolize protein for energy, while you want your body to burn fat and sugar for energy!

The best way is to focus on calories . For example, if you need more than 3,000 calories per day to lift weights, it's best to eat fried potatoes with a few slices of meat. Eat at least 2 g of protein / kg of muscle per day.

7. Build healthy muscles to reduce the load for the skeleton

Lifting lifting weights will make the muscles bigger, lift the strength of the knees and back, thereby reducing the load for the skeleton in bearing the whole body.

8. If you want big muscles, avoid running

Jogging does not make muscles grow in size. So you can see the marathon athlete has a slim figure. The fast-shrinking muscle fibers still develop when you practice running and lifting, but muscle fibers slow down motion. Remember, it is small in size, but the shrinking muscle fibers make up 50% of the muscle mass. Therefore, mobilize them to work to exploit their potential to develop their size. Avoid running jogging , focusing on lifting , you will notice the development of both types of muscle fibers and will have the muscles to grow as you want.