8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

1. Mint

Just the smell of mint leaves is enough to wake your brain. Mint scent stimulates senses to help you be active, reduce depression. The active ingredients in menthol stimulate brain activity, useful for soldiers in the process of reviewing.

Picture 1 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

Mint is a plant that is good for the brain.

You can grow mint in a small patch of soil, in pots or in containers. If growing in pots or styrofoam containers, be sure to drill holes for drainage. Mint is easy to grow, it doesn't take much effort to grow, but the vitality is quite strong, so it can be grown on many different types of soil. The types of soil suitable for growing plants can be mentioned as loamy soil, sandy soil, gray soil. After the soil is carefully prepared and laid on the bed, you proceed to make a hole about 10cm deep. Gently place the seedling in an inclined direction, about 2cm apart from each row. Fill 2/3 of the soil with soil and then gently compress it to expose the cuttings to suitable moisture. Mint is a herbaceous plant, so it has a high moisture requirement. The first time you need to pay attention to water the plants fully or else the plants will wilt and die. Mint leaves can be used to make tea, eat raw vegetables, mix salads or make aromatic oils.

2. Sage

Sage is a spice plant containing many essential oils, mainly composed of ketones, a-Thujone, and ß-Thujone. In addition, sage leaves contain many other compounds such as cineol, borneol, tannic acid; spicy substances such as cornsole and cornsolic acid; fumaric, chlorogenic, caffeic and nicotinic acids; nicotinamide; flavones; flavone glycosides and estrogenic substances. Overall, these compounds have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-allergic properties. Sage is often used by housewives in cooking, and has been shown to be effective in treating Alzheimer's disease and improving memory.

Picture 2 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

(Image: Pixabay)

You can dry sage leaves to make dried flowers to place in the room. Sage is very fond of sunlight. You can grow plants by sowing seeds in spring and autumn, and picking leaves in summer. Sage grows in the PH range of 5.6 (acidic) to 7.8 (slightly alkaline) and grows best in the pH range 6-6.5. After 3-4 years of planting, you should replace the new tree.

3. Turmeric

Inherently, turmeric plants are quite easy to grow, so they are often grown in small spaces in the garden to serve the daily needs of the family. Turmeric seeds for seeding must be large, pest-free, and not crushed. For tubers with many branches, they must be split. Turmeric seeds you can buy at the market or supermarket.

Picture 3 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

Turmeric is suitable for growing in sandy soils, has high drainage capacity, is rich in nutrients, is porous and has a medium or light mechanical composition, which will be favorable for tubers to easily grow and develop. . Dig a hole 20-25cm deep, put a piece of turmeric seed in each hole. The distance between plants is 20-25cm, row spacing is about 30-35cm. After placing turmeric, cover it with a thin layer of soil and then cover it with straw. Pay attention to water to warm enough for turmeric to germinate quickly. When turmeric begins to emerge from the ground, it should be checked regularly for damaged sprouts. If there is a rotten tree, it must be promptly replaced with a new one.

4. Rosemary

To improve memory, you can add one tablespoon (17 ml) of dried rosemary to a cup of boiling water (250 ml), steep for ten minutes, drink as water daily. Or hang bunches of fresh/dried rosemary around the house to expose your brain to the pleasant scent.

Picture 4 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself.

Because rosemary has a rather sensitive root system and needs good drainage, the choice of soil should be both porous, drained and moist enough so that the leaves are not shriveled. Clean soil mixture for growing rosemary includes: 2 parts rice husk ash + 0.3 parts raw rice husk + 0.3 parts microbiologically treated coco coir + 1 part rotting cow manure + 1 tablespoon trichoderma mushrooms, all Mix well and plant in pots. Rosemary plants can be grown outdoors or indoors. However, if planting trees in the garden, it is necessary to plant them under the shade of large trees or cover with nets, to avoid the intense sunlight that burns the leaves, dries the plants, leading to growth retardation or death. Rosemary likes dry soil, so don't over-water it. The plant will grow well with average garden watering and prefers rainwater.

5. Thyme

Thyme has been shown to increase antioxidant levels in the brain, as well as increase levels of healthy fats (like omega-3s). To grow thyme needs enough light. If the plant is in a place without light for a long time, it will be very stunted and dead. Musk is also a warm-loving plant, the appropriate temperature is 20–25 degrees Celsius, it is resistant to high temperatures, so in the summer, it is recommended to prune the tree, to ventilate and the tree should be kept in a shady place. Musk doesn't like to be fertile, can use fertilizer lining, in the summer it's best not to fertilize, it will make the trunk weak, can stop the tree from growing. Plants grow best in spring and winter, dilute the fertilizer with a ratio of 1:1,000, watering once every 10 days.

Picture 5 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

6. Kale

In ancient Greece, kale was a favorite vegetable used to cure rheumatism, eyesight and improve memory. In modern times, kale is still one of the favorite sources of nutrition for families. Kale is packed with brain-healthy omega-3 fats and contains lutein, a plant pigment that helps maintain healthy brain function, as well as enhance learning and memory.

Picture 6 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

Kale is a cool-weather plant that is suitable for planting in the fall. Plants usually germinate best at a temperature of about 21 degrees Celsius. Soak seeds in warm water for about 2-5 hours before sowing. The soil for growing kale needs to be made carefully, porous, can be lined with agricultural lime and then dried for 7-10 days before sowing seeds to handle pathogens in the soil. Styrofoam containers or planters must be perforated for good drainage. Kale needs a lot of water to grow and develop, so after sowing, it must be watered immediately, once or twice a day.

7. Ginkgo tree

Both the leaves and berries of the ginkgo tree are used medicinally. This is one of the memory enhancing plants that have been used safely for thousands of years in China. When planting, place the potting hole so that the roots and trunk are straight in the center of the support. The top of the pot is 1-2cm lower than the crater. Proceed to tear off the gourd shell before placing it in the pit. Pay attention not to break the pot, distort the pot to avoid damage to the tree's roots. Fill with soil, compact the pot and add more soil to the base about 2-3cm above the root neck. Ginkgo should be planted in nutrient-rich, well-drained areas.

Picture 7 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

8. Ginger

Ginger is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, ginger is particularly capable of reducing inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease. For middle-aged people, supplementing with ginger will help improve working memory, quick reflexes and enhance concentration. Ginger is a tropical plant, preferring hot and humid climates, you should plant it in the garden in the summer. You should choose small varieties of ginger (such as sparrow ginger, ginger dé), do not choose large ones, because small ginger has a more spicy and aromatic taste and the ginger plant has a moderate height, without broken leaves.

Picture 8 of 8 plants that are good for your brain and memory that you can grow yourself

Ginger is a plant that is good for your brain and memory.

Ginger is suitable for loose, humus-rich and well-drained soils. Therefore, to grow ginger indoors with tubers, you should mix clean soil and nutritious soil in a ratio of 2:1, or mix raw rice husk, rice husk ash and earthworm manure in the ratio 1:2:1. Soak whole unbranched ginger root in warm water (28–35 degrees Celsius) overnight. The next day, take out the ginger, separate it into small branches to plant, and on each ginger branch there are at least 1–2 small sprout eyes. Ginger grows best with adequate moisture and light. Therefore, you should water and mist the plants daily.