Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!

To know how memory works, you need to know the basics of the brain. Each area of ​​the brain responsible for a different type of memory like the amygdala is responsible for learning emotions, while the frontal lobe acts as a thinking memory when working.

Memory is reduced when trauma, medicine, aging or unhealthy lifestyle. You can't control all the factors that contribute to memory loss, but exercising and getting enough sleep can help slow this process.

Fortunately, memory-related processes are simple and easy to learn. The following infographic will focus on how memory works and how to avoid memory loss. Invite you to follow!

Picture 1 of Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!

Picture 2 of Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!

Picture 3 of Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!

Picture 4 of Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!

Picture 5 of Memory process of the brain and methods to improve memory!