9 interesting facts about mosquitoes

Why do mosquitoes cause itching, why only female mosquitoes suck blood . Let's find answers to these questions!

1. Mosquitoes are the animals that cause the most death on Earth

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We often think sharks, bears, wolves and other dangerous animals are the ones that cause the most death for humans. But statistically, among the total number of human deaths due to animals, mosquitoes cause most deaths every year. They are the cause of deadly diseases like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and encephalitis .

2. Only female mosquitoes suck blood

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Male mosquitoes often suck bile, pollen, sap, fruit juice; New female mosquitoes are real blood suckers. Female mosquitoes do not suck human and animal blood to feed their bodies and use that blood to produce eggs. Once the blood is sucked, they will rest for 2-3 days so that the body can produce protein, iron from the blood and then create amino acids and use it to create eggs.

3. Mosquitoes are attracted to a sweaty body

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When the body sweats, it produces a certain amount of carbon dioxide , which is very attractive to mosquitoes. So if you wake up with a mosquito-filled body, not necessarily because you have 'sweet' blood like many people think, make sure you have a clean bath before going to bed.

4. To absorb all of a person's blood, mosquitoes need about 1.2 million times of continuous blood sucking

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Mosquitoes will lose about 1.2 million times to bite so they can draw all the blood in the human body. Therefore, it is extremely difficult for people to die from blood loss caused by mosquitoes, but people die from the diseases they spread.

5. Mosquitoes also hide in winter

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Mosquitoes are cold-blooded creatures, so they rely on outside temperatures to fly out. When the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (about 10 degrees Celsius) they will find somewhere to stay until the weather gets better.

6. Mosquitoes only live about 2 months

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Mosquitoes have very short lifespans. Males live only about ten days. Female mosquitoes can live up to eight weeks and lay eggs every three days.

7. Mosquitoes were present on Earth from 210 million years ago

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Mosquitoes emerged from the Jurassic period (about 210 million years ago). They caused many distractions in history, so they appeared in literary and historical works, including Aristotle's writings in 300 BC.

8. Why do mosquitoes like buzzing around their heads?

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As mentioned above, mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. They recognize this gas from a distance of 100 feet (about 30 meters), and prefer to fly around our heads where carbon dioxide is exhaled from the nose and mouth.

9. Why do mosquitoes cause itching?

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That's because the saliva of mosquitoes , they release this saliva into the body of the prey (and of course humans) to act as an anesthetic while they suck blood. So many people don't realize when they get bitten by mosquitoes in the first few seconds. Symptoms of itching and swelling are actually an immune system reaction to the antigen present in the saliva of mosquitoes. This mosquito's saliva also acts as an anticoagulant, preventing blood clots so mosquitoes can freely suck on blood until they are full.