The latest Royal Society report said, unless people reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the future of the Earth will only rely on geoengineering measures.

If the frozen soil melted completely due to climate change, trillions of tons of carbon would be released into the air, causing the earth's temperature to rise much faster than it

Only a few months before senior leaders around the world met to come up with a climate change treaty, a research group led by Princeton University scientists developed in a way new

Overfishing and diseases are gradually killing marine life in many temperate estuarine regions in the world and coastal ecosystems.

According to a new study conducted on the world's largest tropical forest, Amazon is particularly sensitive to drought.

Scientists at the University of Liverpool found that the heat from carbon dioxide will increase fivefold in the next millennium.

A new analysis published in the journal Nature shows that the old forest area is often

Recently there have been a lot of media reports about the impact of global warming on the ice in Greenland.

Researchers found that abundant sources of carbon dioxide on Mars could help generate oxygen for settling down and exploring the solar system.

The US Agency for Aeronautics and Space (NASA) recently said 2015 was the hottest year ever recorded, since 1880.