A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals

Wildlife photographer Chris Brunskill has caught the moment of a white shark flinging himself to the surface of the sea and snapping a baby seal at Hai Cang Island, the South African coast.

This white shark, despite its massive body size, has used its body to be flexible when hunting, rushing at very fast speeds (40.24 km / hour), launching into the air and grabbing the sea. The crane is quite immature.

Picture 1 of A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals

Picture 2 of A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals

Picture 3 of A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals

Picture 4 of A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals
" Aerial hunting " of white sharks. After " cup " the prey, it returns to the deep sea

Picture 5 of A bunch of white sharks flock to hunting seals
Photographer Chris Brunskill is waiting on the boat to hunt for ' poison ' photos