A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Born in 1969, the lunar exploration vehicle, Lunokhod, is one of the devices in the Soviet moon exploration program.

Picture 1 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Lunokhod-3 and the grounding system, before the wheels make it work on the moon

Picture 2 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Picture 3 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Picture 4 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Picture 5 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
The belly section of the car helps to protect the internal equipment against the impact of the environment, with a thickness of 10cm insulation

Picture 6 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Long metal antennas help it connect to the Earth

Picture 7 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Electronic radio system on the car traveling the moon

Picture 8 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
The solar panel above it helps to regulate the device's temperature on the moon

Picture 9 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Landing system

Picture 10 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Picture 11 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer

Picture 12 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Measuring equipment and collecting information about temperature

Picture 13 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer
Central control station at Earth

Picture 14 of A close-up of the Soviet antiques moon explorer