A mountain-like meteorite can hit the earth

A stone tablet is as big as a mountain flying close to the globe every 3 years and it can collide with the green planet within 150 years.

2014 UR116 is a meteorite with a length of approximately 400m and a flight path intersecting the earth's orbit every 3 years. Vladimir Lipunov, a Russian scientist at Moscow University, discovered meteorites, Telegraph reported. He said that it could not cause any threat in the near future, but could hit the earth in 150 years.

If "2014 UR116 hit the earth, it could cause an explosion of about 1,000 times bigger than a bus-sized meteorite that exploded in Russia last year."

Picture 1 of A mountain-like meteorite can hit the earth
Artwork: ALAMY

When a mountain-like meteorite enters the earth's atmosphere, it will cause a series of explosions capable of blowing all windows and destroying buildings within a few kilometers.

"Calculating the trajectory of giant stones like the 2014 UR116 is difficult because their flight paths are constantly changing due to the attraction from other planets. Its existence indicates that we know very little about celestial beings. Tracking 2014 UR116 continuously is an important task because a small mistake in calculation can cause serious consequences, " Lipunov argues.

The US Aerospace Agency (NASA) confirmed the distance between meteorites that Lupineov discovered far away from the earth, so it could not cause harm.

"Although the meteorite is approximately 400 meters in length, flying around the sun and returning to the position of a three-year earthquake, it is not a threat because its flight path does not come too close to the left path Earth, " NASA announced.

However, NASA admits that their computer models show that meteors can collide with the Earth for at least 150 years.

Many famous scientists around the world have warned that civilization on earth can disappear by the collision between the globe and a large meteorite.