Video: The 400 meter long meteorite is capable of crashing into the Earth

A large pea-shaped meteorite with a 400-meter-high skyscraper can plunge into the Earth in the future.

The American Aerospace Agency (NASA) warns meteorite named 2015 BN509 400m long, 200m wide, potentially causing danger to the Earth. This meteorite is even higher than the Empire State Building in America (381m). Last week it was 70,500km from Earth, 14 times the distance between Earth and Moon, according to Business Insider.

Picture 1 of Video: The 400 meter long meteorite is capable of crashing into the Earth
The meteorite named 2015 BN509 is 400m long, 200m wide, potentially endangering the Earth.

2015 BN509 was discovered by the giant Arecibo Observatory radio telescope in Puerto Rico."Its pea shape originates from a double meteorite in which two parts of meteorite cannot rotate together and fall together ," said Dr. Edgard Rivera-Valentín, planetary scientist at the Inter-Space Research Association. University, said.

According to Dr. Rivera-Valentín, recording the activity of meteorites like 2015 BN509 can help us better understand the ability of a celestial body to crash into Earth.