AACS patch technology protects DVD content

The agency authorized to use content copyright protection AACS (Advanced Access Content System) for the next generation of DVD discs said it had overcome the security vulnerability that has been exploited by hackers to break the Blu-disk. ray and HD DVD allows them to freely copy content.

The information posted in the Sydney Morning Herald said software vendors will be responsible for releasing patches with new content security keys.

Picture 1 of AACS patch technology protects DVD content Late last year hackers found software flaws that control DVD players and have since found a key that allows them to break the door to protect content on high-quality Blu-ray and HD DVD DVDs.

Thanks to that, they can freely copy the content they want. As a result, there have been a series of pirated films appearing on the market.

The AACS content protection technology organization said that it is currently working with device manufacturers to disable old keys and replace them with new ones.

Users are advised to download and install software patches or they will not be able to view high quality DVDs.

Hoang Dung