Abdominal fat increases the risk of osteoporosis in men

Abdominal fat not only increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases but also threatens the bone system of gentlemen.

Associate Professor of Harvard Medical School, Miriam Bredella, who is also working at Masachussett Hospital, said: 'Gentlemen should know, belly fat is a risk of heart disease, diabetes and also Factors affecting bone tissue '.

According to data from the National Center for Statistics and Health Care, more than 37 million American men of 20 years of age have "beer belly". Obesity causes asthma, high blood pressure, high levels of cholestron and stroke. However, according to many scientists, although it can cause many diseases, obesity does not affect men's bones.

Picture 1 of Abdominal fat increases the risk of osteoporosis in men

'Most osteoporosis studies focus on women. People think men often don't get this disease, ' said Bredella.

'Beer belly' not only increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases but also threatens the bone system of gentlemen.

However, not all fat has the same structure. Subcutaneous fat is often located deep below the abdominal tissue. Fat mass is affected by heredity, nutrition and level of physical activity. Excess fat around internal organs can easily lead to cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Bredella and colleagues evaluated the status of 35 relatively obese men at age 34 and had a weight / fitness score of 36.5. They all underwent a process of cutting the abdominal and buttock compartments to weigh fat and muscle mass. In addition, they were also taken forearm. The researchers then used a special program to evaluate bone strength and determine the risk of fracture.

Scientists have realized that men have much more fat inside and belly fat, bones are more likely to break than those with less fat.