Advertisement film protecting the bear

A child fell to his knees while playing with his sister. She urged quickly to take the bear bile and put it on, but her mother didn't agree.

The mother said she should not use bear bile, but ask her doctor.

These are the details in the 36-second video called " Bile Not a Miracle " by the Center for Nature Education (ENV) scheduled to be broadcast on national and local television at the beginning of the year. now on.

The video is one of the efforts to minimize the need to consume bear bile in Vietnam , protecting this endangered species .

Picture 1 of Advertisement film protecting the bear
Bear bile is usually packed in small jars for sale.(Photo: ENV)

According to ENV's report, in November, on attitudes and behaviors for the use of bear bile in Vietnam, up to 22% of people admitted using bear bile and 72.5% of users. Bear bile said they often use bear bile to treat health problems such as bruising, muscle pain, digestion or arthritis.

However, more than half of those who used bear bile gave up using this because bear bile was not effective.

' The use of bear bile threatens the future of bears. Going to the doctor is the best solution when faced with health problems. This work is not only for one's own health, but also for the protection of bears in Vietnam, "said Tran Viet Hung, ENV's Head of Communication and Awareness.

There are currently two bears living in Vietnam, the bear bear (ursus thibetanus) and the sun bear (helarctos malayanus). Both species are currently seriously threatened by illegal hunting and trading to serve the need to exploit honey to make medicine.

Video "ENV's bear bile is not a medicine " :