Ambergris plant

Perfume is very volatile in the natural environment. So when producing high quality perfumes, it is necessary to have incense to prolong the time of creating aroma on human skin, which is ambergris.

Picture 1 of Ambergris plant

Natural ambergris is obtained from the sea from the waste of sperm whales. After a period of pretending and reacting to the composition of seawater, this particular waste solidifies like a soap bar. Finding and collecting ambergris is difficult, so they cost more than $ 10,000 / kg and the perfume industry always needs it.

Recently, Professor Joerg Bohlmann of the University of British Columbia has discovered that it is possible to extract the active ingredient cis-abrienol - ingredient in sage and fir - to determine perfume. However, it is still not easy to do this under normal conditions.

Bohlmann and his colleague Philipp Zerbe are working on fermented pine tree resin in combination with active ingredients from sage and fir to form cis-abrienol on an industrial scale. The two hope that perfume users will prefer plant ambergris rather than natural ambergris. The Telegraph newspaper said the University of British Columbia is in talks with a biotech company to commercialize the product.