1. Fascinating robots more than his wife

HRP-4C robots will be competitors of many women? (Photo: Plasticpals.com).
Designed and developed by the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, HRP-4C beautiful female robot was able to walk and perform some basic commands herself. She is of the stature of a medium, slender Japanese woman (about 1.60 m tall, weighing about 50 kg). She made a first concern.
Experts are not surprised, and have long argued when there will be people who love robots more than their wives (even sex with robots). Learning robots say, a robot girl with meat and steel can sense, look and pronounce will have a great male attraction.
Certainly in the future, the robot industry will give birth to gentle, affectionate, dedicated people with her husband, passionate about the pillow. Then there are similar male robots. Fear the robot is medium. They will be rivals that challenge your love.
2. Robots rob people jobs

Whatever people do, robots can do it. (Photo: Livescience).
A robot can detect an unfortunate person who has an accident and check that the person has signs of life when someone calls the 911 emergency number asking for help.
Whatever you do, robots can do better. Yes, that's right, anything. The robot has found its role in a cutting-edge technology that explores the universe, requiring enduring extreme environments (very high and very low temperatures, dangerous radioactive substances .), but they can also do precise, precise things that people cannot do.
In the factory, they work accurately and persistently from working as workers in the assembly line of machines to laboratory staff to decode gene maps, fighting on the front.
If assembling them for their artificial intelligence so that they can complete themselves, proceed to self-evolve, create themselves with boundless power, will they one day push people out of the world science?
3. Your grandchild will be a robot!

CB2 is a kind of child robot. (Photo: Gizmodo).
Whether humans and robots will fight or make love to each other, the most likely scenario is that both will reach a convergence point in the future. On the one hand, humans continue to add technology gizmo (cyborg characters in fiction) and tiny computers to their everyday wear.
You will see cyborg (the character of the 21st century cybernetic organism), playing somewhere with their iPhone, or dreaming somewhere with music headphones on either side of the head. Are they identical to humans with artificial limbs, artificial organs and biomimic eyes?
You try to check it out. Going in different directions, robots are constantly improved to expand every ability to walk, talk, learn. People and machines look more and more alike, even with the same parts. Obviously, you have to worry about what people and robots will be like. Not a pureblood anymore. .
4. Robots steal our hearts

Robots do not need to win our hearts with strength if humans have been fascinated by their sly tricks. Critique the person who allows it from the toddler to the soldier who has sent warm feelings to the robot!
However, the robot still has to overcome a wise intellectual obstacle - a hard-to-hide ' fox tail ' - no matter how much human looks look, the movements of the robot, if you look closely, don't. continuous, awkward, unnatural or emotionless glass eyes that people can still recognize.
Many researchers are currently trying to avoid this situation by designing robots that look as little as human as possible and restrain robots' conspiracy.
5. Robots really rebellious: Kill all humans

Robot rebellion in the famous movie "Terminator". (Photo: Livesicence).
One has envisioned a scenario where the robot world, at some point, will rebel against those who created them, at least in fiction novels. Thousands of air and ground robots allied themselves to attack nations . with nothing against it.
A series of world-famous 'Terminator' films have described the superior intelligent computer system that has eradicated humanity as a warning about the danger of the robot world as one thing. we need to think.