American sex hormones use fish trap blood

The parasitic invasive fish with scary shapes harms native animals to the point that American authorities have to develop a new method to limit their reproduction.

The hormone "sex" called 3kPZS, produced by male rockers to pair up, acts as a perfume that attracts females to the nesting area. However, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will use this hormone as a attractant to attract female grouper to the catch area and harvest them before the breeding season.

Picture 1 of American sex hormones use fish trap blood
Rocky fish is a serious invasive species in the United States.(Photo: Wikipedia).

According to Tech Times, the scientists studied the use of chemical signals (pheromone) to control the behavior of rocky grouper from the 1990s. Pheromone 3kPZS has been tested in fishing areas and EPA has allowed Use this hormone in the kicking shark control program.

According to Dr. Weiming Li of the University of Michigan, USA, field testing to test the effectiveness of 3kPZS showed that the fishing efficiency increased by 53%. The traps that use 3kPZS capture twice the amount of rocky grouper compared to conventional traps.

Rocky grouper has a snake-like appearance, living 200 million years ago, before dinosaurs. They have razor-sharp teeth in a circle instead of a jaw. Thanks to the oral structure, rocky grouper can attach to other fish and suck their blood and body fluids, causing prey to weaken or die.

Although originating from the Atlantic Ocean, rocky grouper can live in freshwater areas and migrate to the Great Lake area located on the border between the US and Canada through channels used for water transport. In the late 1940s, rocky grouper invaded slaughtered salmon, white meat fish and other commercial fish in Lake Michigan. The battle of destroying grouper consumes more than 400 million US dollars during the past 5 decades.