Fish have transparent blood

Japanese scientists have discovered transparent blood fish live in Antarctica.

The fish has the scientific name Chionodraco rastrospinosus. The strange thing is that they do not have Hemoglobin, also called hemoglobin - which is a complex protein that contains iron elements that have the ability to collect, store and release oxygen throughout the body.

Picture 1 of Fish have transparent blood
Fish have transparent blood. (Photo: Youtube)

Tokyo Marine Park is currently the only place in the world that owns the Chionodraco rastrospinosus species in captivity. "Fortunately, we have a male and a female," Livescience quoted Satoshi Tada, an expert working at the center, told AFP.

Scientists hope that the mating of these two individuals will help them open the secret door of how Chionodraco rastrospinosus lives without hemoglobin.

Some experts speculate that special fish live without Hemoglobin because they have large hearts, they can use plasma to circulate oxygen throughout the body. Besides, they also have the ability to absorb oxygen through the skin in Antarctic waters.

However, scientists believe that there are still many mysteries surrounding the fish species Chionodraco rastrospinosus do not have hemoglobin and they will take a lot of time to find the answer.