According to Fox News, a group of fishermen in the city of Everglades, Florida, USA, have the opportunity to witness the two donated dumbbells eating shark meat in a flash.

John Lindholm and his wife found the body of a fish weighing about 150kg and 1.8m long washed ashore at Moore Park in Queensland, Australia, the International Business Times on

Octopuses and grouper also hunt a good small fish that wriggles in coral reefs and often hides in rocks that are so small that grouper cannot chase.

This fish crushes coral thanks to its distinctive teeth that look like parrots

Grouper Chalk live in small Caribbean reefs that can change sex up to 20 times a day.

The grouper that Mr. Brad Hinks and you caught had an estimated length of 2.7m and weighed over 400kg.

This is one of three giant grouper species ever recorded.

The non-jaw, invertebrate rocky grouper, which looks like giant worms, is a primitive species that lives on the ocean floor, present on the planet 500 million years ago.

Scientists have discovered many different species of fish using gesture language to support each other in hunting activities.

Apart from carp