Ancient astronomical clock 're-export'

The astronomical watch from the 16th century has just been returned to a museum in Sweden, after a decade of disappearance.

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Astrolabe s astronomical clock dates from 1590. It was stolen by thieves in 1999 in a series of burglaries at the historic castle of Skokloster, north of Stockholm, Nature World News said.

Picture 1 of Ancient astronomical clock 're-export'
Astrolabes watches have an important role in the astronomy field of the ancient Greeks.(Photo: Wikimedia Commos)

After missing, the watch was discovered in the collection of an unknown Italian. The question of how Astrolabes returned to Sweden is still a mystery, according to AP. According to Mr. Bengt Kylsberg, the current legal owner of Astrolabes, he is very happy to find Astrolabes and does not have much pressure on costs.

Scientists say the watch is used in the golden era of Islam, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe. In addition, Astrolabes is also a very elaborate ornament of nobility and intellectuals in their prevailing period.

Astrolabes astronomical clock was built by ancient Greeks in 150 BC, and used for a long time until the end of 1950, before being replaced by more modern astronomical instruments.

According to scientists, Astrolabes watches can be used to determine when the sun rises, the sun sets, determines the position of the sun, moon, planets and distant stars in the universe.