Digital Sun Watch Launches: Unique timepiece device

From about 1500 BC until the 14th century, our ancestors discovered how to use the sun to determine time. Devices usually have triangles and create shadows on the dial to determine hours depending on the location of the sun versus the Earth.

The accuracy of these ancient clocks is not comparable to the modern equipment we are using, but the clocks have the same working principle as modern clocks that rely on the position of the Earth relative to the sun.

Picture 1 of Digital Sun Watch Launches: Unique timepiece device
Solar clock

A French engineer has sought to modernize this ancient watch to match the current digital age. The device is printed from a 3D printer and can display numbers under the digital age of the 80's.

Picture 2 of Digital Sun Watch Launches: Unique timepiece device
Mojoptix device.

This device is not a real electronic watch. But just as the Earth orbits its axis and shifts around the Sun, light beams through tiny holes on the device display time on the fixed surface of the device.

Named as Mojoptix , this device uses the number of triangular junction boxes assembled (gnomom) to produce the most accurate time. At 10am (10am), the device will show 10:00 am as a ghost on the underlying platform.

Picture 3 of Digital Sun Watch Launches: Unique timepiece device
Gnomom - the most important component of the solar clock.

There are still restrictions on using the sun so it can not be used at night and accuracy is limited from 10am to 4pm.

But the fact is that all we can do from sunlight is the same as our ancestors did 3600 years ago so this device can be considered as an animal improvement. the taste of the ancient sun.