Discharge alarm clock

The alarm clock emits harmless currents, helping to dispel sleepiness that 19-year-old student Sankalp Sinha (India) built.

Picture 1 of Discharge alarm clock

Previously, a student from Sharda University in Uttar Pradesh used to get up late and go to class late, even if he set his alarm clock on the phone every night. Caused by Sinha when he hears the alarm, he wakes up, stops the bell and ... sleeps. The work and life of Sinha are influenced quite a lot by this habit.

"I built this watch to help myself and many people who are like me do not get up late," Sinha said .

The principle of the watch is called 'Good morning: ringing and electric shock' of Sinha quite simple. Users can set the alarm clock as a normal clock, when the clock will ring, when the hand to turn off the alarm, a current of about 1 volt from the clock will go straight to hand. users, immediately drowsiness.

The watch has the ability to customize the current to the user. Sinha hopes the watch will be launched soon to help change the habits of late people.