What to do to adjust the biological clock

In the morning as soon as you hear the alarm, turn on the power so that the white light activates the pigment to help your brain stay awake.

Simple ways to adjust the biological clock

Cool weather makes getting up early more difficult than ever. Try the following 5 tips given by Men's Health to adjust your biological clock and have a refreshing, fun day.

Turn on the light

When you hear an alarm, get out of bed and turn on the power. Although you may feel like a torment, white light activates melanopsin, the type of pigment that helps the brain to wake up.

Picture 1 of What to do to adjust the biological clock
Photo: weeklygravy.com.

Wake up at the same time

When you open your eyes, the biological clock 'air conditioner' is a suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) area in the brain that will raise the body's temperature and promote cortisol production. Waking up at the same time every day including weekends will support hormones to work more effectively.

Food selection for breakfast

Toast is not necessarily the perfect choice for breakfast because carbs can lead to excess energy and increase blood sugar. You should eat cold foods, such as lean meats with vegetables to increase the amount of dopamine in your body.

Talk to relatives

Working a lot in the absence of natural light makes you uncomfortable because your brain loses hormones that improve your mood. A group of scientists at the University of Wisconsin (USA) advises you to call your loved ones regularly because your mother's voice will quickly provide you with oxytocin, a love hormone that acts as a warm hug.

Exercise in the afternoon

Going to the gym in the afternoon will help supplement the amount of serotonin needed. You don't need to practice for too long as this will hurt your muscles and make you feel more stressed, just 30 minutes is enough.