Weather affects the human biological clock

Recently, scientists have discovered that the biological clock in our body is affected by factors such as weather or season.

Picture 1 of Weather affects the human biological clock The researchers used computers to simulate the activity of the biological clock in the body. Since then, they have found that its mechanism of operation is very complicated, due to facing the changing of light for hours as well as the changing seasons.

This has hoped to help solve sleep-related problems due to late work and changing hours.

These discoveries helped to better understand the factors that control rhythm within the human body, animal and plant. These discoveries can also help scientists find plants that can adapt to climate change.

Dr. Carl Troein, Department of Biology at Edinburgh University said: "With a better understanding of why biological clocks are so complex, we have more opportunities to control them."

He added: "Our research is to explain how the rhythm in the body is developed and why . " We hope that it will help treat insomnia disorders as well as help scientists develop crops that can last for a long time.