Intelligent alarm clock

New generation alarm clock can know the exact time to wake users, by feeling their bodies.

To get rid of the discomfort when waking up in the morning, French company Withings introduces a dual- sensor timepiece that senses the best time to wake up users.

Picture 1 of Intelligent alarm clock
Aura Clock Companion Kit - (Photo: Withings)

According to Engadget, the Aura watches are equipped with sensors placed under the bed, connected to the iPhone and can measure the body's movement, respiration and heart rate.

The sensor is connected to a color-changing lamp and a wake-up loudspeaker.

Based on the movement of the body and the light emanating from the sleep lamp, which changes from red to yellow, white and blue, allows the device to determine when to wake.

Meanwhile, light changes color according to the state of the user, such as blue for awakening, and red for lull.

Comes with an iPhone app, the device can explain the user's sleep habits, as well as record room temperature and sleep sound.