Ancient crocodiles ever clever like dolphins?

The 180-million-year-old fossil of an ancient crocodile shows many characteristics similar to dolphins, one of the most intelligent species on the planet.

According to Fox news, ancient crocodile fossils have been discovered during the Jurassic period, the same period as the ancient dinosaurs. Scientists have discovered crocodile fossils dating to about 180 million years old in Hungary, on the body bearing many common characteristics between crocodiles and ancient dolphins.

Picture 1 of Ancient crocodiles ever clever like dolphins?
They have large, sharp teeth to catch prey.

An archaeologist named Attila Fitos was the first discoverer in the Gerecse Mountains, Hungary, so the fossil was later named Magyarosuchus fitosi in honor of this archaeologist.

The fossil analysis they found had abnormal vertebrae in the tail, unlike the crocodile family. Previously, scientists revealed that during this period there were two types of crocodiles, one with full body scales, four moving on the ground and two with flippers that could swim under the sea. , later evolved into dolphin-like creatures.

Dr Mark Young, of the University of Edinburgh, said: "This fossil provides a unique view of how crocodiles evolved into whales and killer whales more than 180 million years ago."

Experts estimate crocodile fish body length of about 4.67 - 4.83 meters, there are characteristics of mixing between the above crocodile species. They have large, sharp teeth to catch prey. In addition, its limbs develop into a membrane-like form of paddles, with independent tails that help them move in the water.