Arctic is heating up: profit ... harm ...

The climate is heating up badly but it is also beneficial. Arctic temperatures rise in many areas, engulfing many coastal areas, massive cities (even the capital of many countries), fertile and important farming lands .

Picture 1 of Arctic is heating up: profit ... harm ...

But this phenomenon also opens up new possibilities for transportation, trade, exploitation of natural resources, and the compilation of new international laws on the division of polar regions, guarantee Maintaining Nature's uniqueness and effectively managing the Arctic sea environment. That is the content of a report of the Wild Nature Fund.

Mr. Lasse Gustavsson, Director of the Swedish WWF said: 'The Arctic melting phenomenon opens a very wide range of waters, giving rise to new possibilities for trade in new lands that were not previously available. Roads to reach. What happens in the Arctic has a global ecological and economic significance. For example, over a quarter of the amount of marine fish consumed by Europe is up from the Arctic. But now, we have never mentioned laws that regulate fishing areas in the Arctic regions that will soon expand. '

Ecologists say that the Arctic climate is now changing faster than anywhere on Earth. We will witness huge changes in the next few decades. Without coping plans, they will be unable to keep up and very passive.
