Australian dollar notes contain deadly toxins

Australia's paper currency has a high concentration of bisphenol A which is very dangerous to health, the study published recently in the Journal of Enviromental Science and Technology.

According to this article, Bisphenol-A is a toxic chemical prepared by the outstanding Russian chemist Alexxander Dianinyi in the late 19th century. When the concentration is exceeded, it can cause some serious diseases. dangerous.

Picture 1 of Australian dollar notes contain deadly toxins
The highest concentration of bisphenol A in Australian dollars.

The authors of the study, Tchunian Liao and Kuruntkhachalan, of New York University (USA), conducted chemical analyzes of substances present in 21 countries' currencies with 156 different denominations and they went to Conclusion: bisphenol A is on the surface of some coins.

The US Food and Drug Quality Administration (FDA) has confirmed since 2010 that bisphenol A is harmful to human health. The origin of this substance can be very different. It has been found in dental curing materials, in plastics used in bottles. Why do they detect this substance in currency?

Scientists believe that this substance is caused by long-term exposure to checks (checks), which in this credit category contain bisphenol A. People also found that the concentration This toxic substance is on the lower edge of the coin in the middle.

Some scientists believe that in structure, this substance resembles estrogen (a female hormone) and causes diseases in the reproductive system and human brain. For example, it can cause prostate cancer (in men), milk glands, ovaries (in women) as well as cause autism, limit children's brain development, then diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

The concentration of bisphenol A is highest in Australia, Brazil and the Czech Republic. Researchers believe that exposure to bisphenol A through spending in Russia is also moderate, similar to the Chinese yuan but slightly higher than the US dollar and the euro of the EU. The safest is the Egyptian funt and Turkish lira.