BPA chemicals in plastics have long been known as a hormone disruptor that ranges from pregnancy abnormalities to cancer, diabetes and obesity.

Scientists found that, if you put a cup of water outside overnight, its chemical composition may be changed so that the next morning when you drink it, it will taste slightly

Australia's paper currency has a high concentration of bisphenol A which is very dangerous to health, the study published recently in the Journal of Enviromental Science and

The latest research shows that up to 1/5 of the young men in the world own the amount

Researchers from the famous Stanford University in the US discovered that pregnant women with bisphenol A (BPA) content in the blood face a miscarriage risk of up to 80%.

US researchers have documented an association between early exposure to bisphenol A - the chemical used to coat inside plastic products and metal food containers, with an increased

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has officially announced the ban on the use of bisphenol A, also known as BPA, in the manufacture of bottles and bottles of drinking water

Scientists have discovered that one of the chemicals commonly used to produce plastic food is the cause of weight gain and diabetes, according to the Daily Mail.

A new study by the Breast Cancer Foundation (Australia) found that the level of toxicity of Bisphenol A, often abbreviated as BPA, in many canned foods sold in the country market.

Urine of people who eat canned foods daily has abnormally high levels of bisphenol A (BPA).